Well, what a crafting start to the year I made so far, have done a 50th Birthday card for BIL and a framed 21st L/O for a friend of my son, photos to follow...
I've also made 6 Birthday cards for friends and relatives, and got another 3 for this month still to do.
I've committed myself to do the 52questions (see link on left side of blog, 'on places I like to visit') for journalling skills, OK not actually done the first 2 questions yet, but I intend to, in fact going to cut some tags out tonight for it., using some old stash.
and on do-crafts, Gina (MRS TSV) set a challenge for us to make a Christmas item every 2 weeks for Christmas 2009, so have taken that up too. First thing to be made by next weekend, and I dare not lapse on that challenge, (as that Gina is such a slave driver, lol).
on CC blog, she has sent a challenge to use one of your old kits up, so I'm aiming to use and make one item a month, even if it's just one of my old cards kits.
so with all these ideas and challenges I should be well stocked up for Birthdays, Christmas and my journalling skills in 2009, lol
watch this space...