Well this week has been interesting on Saturday Clive and I ended up at Bognor Regis buying another micra to replace Clive's one he has had over 5 years (Sam is having the old car). We started here in Portsmouth at 10.30am looking at cars and got back home at 4.45pm, lol... The only reason we could do this was because Steven was a Russets, hence travelling around all day till we saw something we liked.
Then in the evening we went down to our local theatre 'The Kings' to see
Magic of Motown as we were lucky enough to have been given free tickets, we were also invited to
'Hi tea' before the show, but we got back from buying the car to late for that.
Then yesterday I quickly nipped up into the attic to finish off a birthday card as I needed to get it in the post for today, and while I was up there thought I would pinch one of my secret stash sweets (fox glacier fruits) to crunch it and break a tooth, lol....
So phoned the dentist up, they offered me an appointment for this morning, but as I was due to donate blood this afternoon, I've left the tooth to get sorted till Monday. (it doesn't hurt and to be honest, I'm not in any hurry in getting to the dentist as don't like them very much, they make my eyes water, lol)....
Anyway this afternoon I managed to give my 41st pint of blood OK, I know people might think I'm mad leaving my tooth, but I use to give blood with my dad, and I want to carry on giving it, silly I know, but I want to do it as long as they will take it,
in his memory.
OK, I'll never reach his 109 pints that he gave before he died at the age of 68, but I will give it my best shot.
Also this week I saw a very unusual spider in my garden, it's body was the colour and size of a medium mushroom...
Hubby said it was
just another garden spider, he did call it something, but all I know it's bloody big and better stay put in the garden...
Oh and lastly thought I would show you that my poorly cut fingers are healing nicely now...
PS... have also started my Christmas shopping this evening, as found some new DVD's for Steven and another couple are due out before Christmas, so at least he will have something to open over Christmas :-)