(you can see his dad was a little worried he was going to hurt himself though, also had to smile as Steven had the all the ends with the presents and jokes, lol)
Anyway it's all over for another year, we had a lovely but sort of different Christmas, with my mum staying over for a few nights and my daughter and her fiancé being here both evening, which was lovely we even played a few board games, which we don't get chance to do normally.
Steven was a little confused with his nana being here when he went to bed and woke up, but I think he coped very well to be honest. Think it was more me that had to get used to having someone else saying in the house, I couldn't really relax, silly I know, but I'm so used to it being just the 3 of us or when hubby is working away, just the 2 of us, lol.
Mum went home this afternoon and we had dinner round my daughters which was extra nice, as they waited on us, hehehe. Anyway after Steven went to bed this evening, it was chill out time on the settee, watching what we want, when we want and even putting the lappy on to catch up on blogs etc. lol.
Tomorrow Steven is back to his day centre as the poor animals have to be cleaned out, fed and watered (it's all right, they did have staff there over Christmas to do that). I'm lucky that where hubby is working have decided to close till next Tuesday so have him home till then, yeah. So we can do some of the house things that need both of us to do and catch up on the paperwork for the business, boo, also got Steven's paperwork too. Oh the joys of being busy when Steven is out, oh and if time, I will start sorting out all the presents from under the tree into their new homes (and if I had my way, the decorations would be slowly coming down as I really just want everything to get back to normal, lol).
Then think it will be sausage and fried onions with mash potato, veg and lots of gravy for dinner, yum, as got a little fed up with the buffet type food and roast after the last 2 days, hehehe.
I hope everyone else had a good Christmas and got some lovely pressies, (we did, were all totally spoilt as usual, hehe)...