Saturday, 28 July 2012

Saying of the week...

However well behaved,

man is but a monkey shaved!

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Few cards

Hope you are all making the most of this weather (I am, as am sealing and painting a bay window and in between coats, sorting out our garden shed))....

Anyway not sure what I've shown you, but these are family and friends cards I've made over the last few months...

Again all pretty simple, but I enjoyed doing them...

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Saying of the week...

Look not for faults as you go through life.

And even when you find 'em

Tis wise and kind to be somewhat blind

And look for the virtues behind them.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

I did it...

I got some more 'ME' time... but also did a few firsts the other week...

The first was driving 265 miles on my own as have not driven that sort of distance on my own since I got married, some 27 years ago.

The second was that I stayed in a travelodge all by myself, lol. In fact, I've never actually stayed anywhere on my own before, other than here at home... (I did prop the chair in front of the door so no one could get in, just to be on the safe side, lol)

The third was I got the chance to meet Gina and Sue, for the very first time.

It was really weird how it came about. Gina said how she was hoping to visit her son in his new house and joked saying she was actually nearer Sue so would pop in for a cupper. Then when I saw the dates she was thinking about, realised they were the same days that Steven would be in respite, so I joked and said oh I could come too.

It sort of went from there and a few weeks later we met for the very first time. It was fab seeing them actually in the flesh (hehe, so to speak).

We not only saw the table where Sue always sits to have her cuppers, but we actually sat and had a cupper or six at it too. We also met her dad, who is usually huffing and puffing when Sue get stash deliveries, (but I don't believe her as he was very nice to us, lol) her garage where everything gets shuffled (when she needs the room for more stash)...

Also saw the famous craft room or two, as I think one of them was suppose to be her bedroom. OK I did see the bed, (just), but did miss seeing the 36" TV, cos of the stash, oh and Gina missed the 2 wardrobes, lol... Yes it was that bad, Gina actually took photos to show her family (for when they moan about her stash, hehehe).

It was a hectic few days but well worth it, I drove up on the Monday, met up with Sue had lots of cuppers, met Gina and hubby on the Tuesday, so lots more cuppers and a all you can eat Chinese buffet, then travelled home on the Wednesday, in plenty of time for my young man arriving home.

And you never know, we might even be able to do it again next year (but first both Gina and Sue needs some more steroids to make it possible, but at the moment they are still getting over the last lot for this visit)...

Oh forgot to say, I was telling one of Steven's carers about the trip (a young girl of 20), when she looked up and said, and you tell us not to meet people who you talk to over the Internet, as they might not be who they say they are, I could be being groomed!. In between laughing I emailed Sue and asked her if she was really a crafty lady or was she just grooming us. She emailed back saying I had blown her cover and she was really a 56 year old balding man grooming us. But am relieved to say she wasn't, she was a 53 year old lady with a very bad addiction to buying stash, lol...

But when Carol (Sue's sister) took photos for us, (as we were too busy yapping and kept forgetting), Gina grabbed mine and Sue's hands wanting her buddies close to her. Well that set me off, as she grabbed our hands towards her boobs, well it reminded me of the grooming. So it wasn't Sue that was doing the grooming it was actually that Gina, lol...

I still cannot believe we actually did it and it only started out as an joke, but so pleased I did those few firsts as it was FANTASTIC day, actually getting to see my friends for that first time.

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Saying of the week...

Teaching kids to count is fine,

but teaching them what counts is best.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Thanks Jean

I was lucky enough to be sent some Jubilee goodies from Jeanie's blog.

They are fab, thank you so much Jean.

I'm looking forward to printed off the couple of Stevens Jubilee party photos. OK they are a bit blurred, as the carer took them on her phone. That was because Steven was at respite that day and I didn't like to put his new camera in his bag as they might not have told the carer and it might have got misplace or lost.

I also received this gorgeous card from her too with my goodies...x

Well, I sort of managed another bit of 'ME' time again yesterday. I picked my mum up and went to The Range, (after doing the housework I might add :-D) OK I didn't really come back with anything crafty, just some jubilee ribbons, but did grab a tub of crushed chilli's and garlic power (well I love my cooking too, hehehe) and some jelly moulds for my sister, as surprisingly she's not got any for making jellies for her grandsons.

Oh on a downside though, I thought I would put my head in the way while closing the car boot. So have a nice little cut to show for my 'ME' time, hehehe.

We met up with my auntie and her hubby there, then all went out for lunch, which was lovely, as my mum and auntie are both crafters, so we've got always something to talk about. In fact we've agreed to have a late brekki at Wetherspoon tomorrow as well, (uncle has bowed out of that one, lol)...

The only trouble with that is, I need to finish the quarter accounts, oh and make one of Steven's friends a Birthday card for tomorrow, so need to sort them both out tonight, after I've put littlen to bed.

Oh well, you cannot have everything, at least I've got brekkie to look forward to, while doing the paperwork later, lol...

Sunday, 8 July 2012

'ME' time...

Thank you so much for your kind comments ladies, in fact it made me feel a right fraud as know you all have busy hectic lives with one thing and another as well, and don't moan about it...

Well this week I took the bull by the horns and had not one but two lush baths, as ended up staying at a travelodge for a couple of nights last week. (The length I have to go to, to have a bath or two, lol)

It was The comforter bubble bar. I usually managed to break it into 3 or 4 to get as many baths out of one bar, lol... Steven brought me it for Christmas and still got enough for one more bath, hehehe...

I've also managed a little crafting, as needed to finish a 6x6 album I started for one of Steven's friends who's 21st party we went to last night.

Photos will follow of the album but also a photo from my trip away last week as it was a very special trip....xx

Oh yes Val, forgot to say, yes I have the 'saying of week' schedule till the end of the year... good job, as my blog would have died long ago with no postings, lol...

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Saying of the week...

Make new friends but the keep the old,

for one is silver and the other gold.

Sunday, 1 July 2012


Sorry not been around much these last few weeks, there don't seem to be enough hours in the day or days in the week again, for any 'me' time...

But am going to try and get myself more sorted and starting this week, I'm going to do at least one thing a week for ME, yes something I WANT to do for me and no one else, (yikes, that actually sounds a little selfish, doesn't it, sorry)...

I know how many times have I said about 'me' time and I DO try, honest, but then life gets in the way again... So have decided I'm going to write the 'ME' thing down after I've done them, so I can actually see them in writing and not just thinking about them, hehehe...

So watch this space...

Oh I want to thank Sue, Jean and Val on commenting on my saying of the week, and send hugs and sparkles to those that need them.

Hopefully I'll back on track very soon and you'll have more things to read, other than the 'saying of the week', which is scheduled for the next 6 months, so at least something will be posted every week, lol...

Right off to get the pork in the marinade, as am making sweet and sour pork noodles for tea.... xx