Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Am I really street proud?

Well I gather you realised I'm not really THAT street proud, lol...

But was clearing up after trimming our hedges...

From this....

to this....

We usually give them a trim in August, with their main cut at Easter, but this year I was a little cheesed off as had a letter from the street firm who work for the council. Saying that if I didn't cut them back to the boundary wall within 28 days, they would take legal action to have the trees cut and send the bill to us!!!!!!

Well after doing a little research and missing him about 8 times, he eventually phoned me back just before 8 in the morning, great, just as was trying to sort Steven out.

But I stuck to my guns, saying I always trim them in August, but it had to be when my husband is home to hold the ladder.

And there was noway I would be cutting them back to the boundary wall, as when they get over the shock of the cut and start budding again, the frost will be here and kill them. So I would trim them as usual and then next year, will cut them back a bit further.

And guess what
I actually got a apology from the man and he said he had inherited the letter from the council and yes it was harshly worded and me trimming them will be fine, as they weren't as bad as some down our street, lol...

So the trees had their normal and the street had it's normal clean, lol.


SusieJ said...

Well done you for sticking to your guns!! Petty bureaucracy at its' finest!!
You've done a good job with trimming the hedge....if you have any spare time..perhaps you'd like to do ours??? lol!
Hugs xx

Susan said...

Goodness me they are strict near you! I thought when you said you had been told to trim them back they were taking up all of the pavement. Dread to think what they would make of my bushes...

Hi it's Maria said...

lol thanks ladies...xx

I always give them a trim in August, but HATE to be TOLD to do something, lol... its gets my back up hehehe...x