Sunday, 1 July 2012


Sorry not been around much these last few weeks, there don't seem to be enough hours in the day or days in the week again, for any 'me' time...

But am going to try and get myself more sorted and starting this week, I'm going to do at least one thing a week for ME, yes something I WANT to do for me and no one else, (yikes, that actually sounds a little selfish, doesn't it, sorry)...

I know how many times have I said about 'me' time and I DO try, honest, but then life gets in the way again... So have decided I'm going to write the 'ME' thing down after I've done them, so I can actually see them in writing and not just thinking about them, hehehe...

So watch this space...

Oh I want to thank Sue, Jean and Val on commenting on my saying of the week, and send hugs and sparkles to those that need them.

Hopefully I'll back on track very soon and you'll have more things to read, other than the 'saying of the week', which is scheduled for the next 6 months, so at least something will be posted every week, lol...

Right off to get the pork in the marinade, as am making sweet and sour pork noodles for tea.... xx


Valerie-Jael said...

I think you should apply for the 30 hour day and the ten day week! Have you really set your sayins for the next six months in advance?? Valerie

Carole said...

No, not sounding selfish at all - you DESERVE a little You time after everything you do for everyone else - and it really helps to recharge your batteries for the rest of whatever life chucks your way!

Just a thought though, Smashing is quicker, easier and just as creative as scrapping ...

Big hugs

Carole xxx

SusieJ said...

No need to apologise Maria - you come on when you can.
I don't know how you manage to do all that you already do...but you do need some "me" time...and no, that's not selfish, that's taking care of yourself!!
Big hugs. xx

jeanie g said...

Hope you can keep it up Maria, I'm always trying this but it never works!!

Hi it's Maria said...

thanks ladies, you're the best...xx

Susan said...

Yes you definitely need some 'me' time. Hope you have some nice things planned for

DGgirl said...

Maria - you are one of the hardest working women I know.

There is absolutely no danger of you ever sounding selfish sweetie.

You know in yourself how important a little "me" time is so try and grab it when you can - every little helps.

Hugs to you and yours.

Gill xxx

Hi it's Maria said...

thank you susan and gill...xx

I'm so lucky to have a lovely bunch of friends, thank you all so much....xx